Year 4 - Class 4MS & Class 4S

Welcome to our Year 4 page!
Here you will find all of the useful information needed for this year. Take a look at our curriculum newsletters at the bottom of the page to learn more about the topics explored each half term and discover the key texts we will be reading.
Our PE lessons will take place on a Tuesday and a Friday. The children should come into school in PE kit on these days. 
Homework will be handed out on a Friday, to be returned on the following Thursday. In addition to homework, we expect the children to read daily and use Spelling Shed and TT Rockstars to support their learning. If your child reads at least four times per week they will receive a raffle ticket for a chance to win a book from our vending machine! 
Children in Year 4 access books through the Accelerated Reader Program. They complete star reader tests each term to determine their reading range level. This corresponds to the books in the library, where children will choose their home school reading books each week. On a Friday, the children will complete a reading quiz based on the book they have read that week. You will be able to view their scores online. 
Please view our Class Dojo pages to follow our learning this year. 
Miss Mason, Mr Saunders and Mrs Hiley